My Enlightened Life Facilitator Trainings (Levels 1, 2 and 3)

My Enlightened Life Facilitator Trainings offer a proven system that reliably facilitates miraculous transformations in you and your clients’ lives. How?

We all take on unconscious programming from our childhood, parents, school, and religious background. This creates a programmed “lens” through which we perceive ourselves and our world. Our subconscious lens seems so real! Since our subconscious mind is the powerhouse that creates every aspect of our reality, these believed in patterns and emotions will re-create the same reality over and over again—until we learn to transform them.
What if you had TOOLS to reliably shift you and your clients’ subconscious in practical ways that transform trauma, restore love, and create the reality our hearts truly desire?
In Facilitator Trainings, we are given tools to move from unconsciousness to consciousness. This is the grand journey humanity has been on for ages. Consciousness is the ultimate remedy.
In Facilitator Trainings, you will learn specific tools for transformation. 
Our programs may include:
  • Body Language Translation: Learn to translate everything your client’s body does within a facilitation session into what their subconscious is really saying, so you can track what's actually happening beyond their conscious awareness. Understand how body language offers guidance from their deeper self on what to facilitate next.
  • Pure Speech: Learn to decode people’s language. Moment to moment, track on what their subconscious is really saying, through the words they choose to speak.
  • Universal Laws: Learn the universal laws that our system is based on which reliably facilitate moving up the scale of consciousness.
  • Feeling Scale: Learn to distinguish between “believed in” feelings and true feeling. Understand the sacred energy movements available across the feeling scale and how to touch each feeling with love.
  • Greater Mission: Learn how to reframe everything into a “return” for someone’s unique greater mission and support them in claiming and embodying that.
  • Transforming Lineage Patterns: Learn to identify and transform ancestral patterns into their beautiful return in the conscious version (which upgrades everyone in the family).
  • Lens Of Consciousness: Learn to see your world through a lens of consciousness. Like Neo in the movie The Matrix, once you can see and read the “code” that’s creating everything, you can upgrade it. Awareness allows you to see the pathway to transforming any issue into its restored, aligned state.
  • Decrees & Affirmations: Learn how to design powerful statements tailored to each specific person to assist them in moving big energy and reclaiming their authorship.
  • Imagination Mapping: Learn a method to show your subconscious exactly what outcomes you desire in any area of life so you and your clients can manifest your outcomes with ease. Use your vivid imagination to create your new, ideal reality and watch in awe as things happen exactly as you imagined them.
  • Aligned Pricing: Learn how to upgrade your beliefs in abundance and pricing in a simple, aligned way so that you receive your value as a coaching facilitator.
  • Deeply Rooted Confidence: “Hands on” practice with all these tools enables you to facilitate transformation in yourself and anyone that comes to you.
  • Community: Join a group of loving, deeply supportive people who you can continue to grow with.

So much more!

This is an entirely new paradigm, and the miraculous results are reliable and systematic.

This isn’t a system to memorize. It is a system to immerse yourself in. Then let your own intuition (your heart’s direct knowing) facilitate and coach through you as you expand your lens of consciousness.

As you practice facilitation, you can facilitate both individuals and groups, in both digital and physical spaces. All these opportunities open up so much abundance. The number of people who currently facilitate at this level is small and growing. You can be one of the first as consciousness rapidly expands around our world. 

Facilitators learn to meet people wherever they are in consciousness, while supporting them in receiving whatever they are ready for next--directly from their Great Self, their Divine Self within. No one can “coach” anyone beyond where they are already ready to go. We each receive our own upgrades in light, guidance, restoration, pleasure, ease, awareness, presence, deep peace, and so much more. As facilitators our capacity to “be with” whatever is being called for expands exponentially. You will be able to meet your clients’ deeply tender feelings in a gentle way, as well as move big, highly charged emotional energy, all based on whatever your client is signaling you they are ready to bring forward.

The value of what we learn to facilitate is infinite, as it has the potential to genuinely change the trajectory of people’s lives. Just learning this system will change your own trajectory! This is a system that facilitates in a powerful and practical way nothing less than the embodiment of our Divinity and greater missions in life. (Plus it’s fun and easy!) 
Facilitator Training Level 1
Introduction to all the tools. Primary Focus on Practicing Applying tools in Coaching & Facilitation. Level 1 is a Pre-requisite and foundation for Levels 2 and 3. NOTE: Before enrolling in Facilitator 1, you require completing either an Atomology, EVEolution, or Body Electronics retreat.
Facilitator Training Level 2
 “Enlightened Iridology”: Deepen your embodiment of all tools. Primary Focus on learning how to read the lens of people’s eyes in terms of their greater mission and main movements in consciousness. Master the map of your own eyes.
Facilitator Training Level 3
Deepen your embodiment of all tools. Primary Focus on learning how to facilitate Body Electronics sessions, where people have an opportunity to touch their deepest core traumas and discover the strengths available in these experiences.
Our facilitator trainings take place at the Faith In Wellness Retreat Center
We are loocated on a private farm in Waller, TX – a beautiful setting for deep integration of what we learn. Each training is a fully immersive experience including overnight lodging and all meals, as well as the full program of daily workshops and experiences, nature walks, opportunities for interaction with the animals, rest and relaxation, restorative yoga, ecstatic dance, labyrinth walks, 1-1 coaching, and much more.
Testimonial from Lars King about Facilitator Training (Level 1):
“When I first found this system, I was numb and disembodied. I was not only repeating trauma-based patterns, I was unaware I was doing so! When I started playing in consciousness, I saw people feel deeply and create powerful new choices after just a few minutes. I had explored many modalities and systems, and this was something completely different. These facilitators seemed truly magical and I wanted to learn how to do the same. I’m so glad that I became a facilitator, it has not only transformed my life completely, it’s changed the way I work with people in many ways. I am now confident in facilitating miracles in everyone who works with me. 
This is a deep joy and gift, and I highly recommend becoming a facilitator. I am a new man!” 

Faith in Wellness

We have one goal: To help you be the glorious being of light that you were meant to be
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